
To succeed in life we need to be positive. It’s that simple, if you thank you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t. You control your mind, not your cravings, not your addictions, not your body, YOU. You make a choice each and every day of what you are going to do. We need to take responsibility for our actions and those actions that landed us where we are at. For myself, I was unfortunate enough to experience a traumatic situation. That situation caused me to stop caring about myself and my body. I became a negative person, and lost my easy going, happy, positive attitude. I put walls up, and stopped trusting people. That was also the turning point where I started to let my body go. My traumatic situation happened New Year’s Eve 2008. It is time I To move forward with my life and be the person I once was. To lose some weight I need to put that behind me, and stop looking at it in a negative way.

I have never considered myself a victim, but many in my shoes have. I have always stated it was a situation that I was part of, I put myself into that situation, I did not cause it, but I did allow (in a matter of speaking). For that I cannot call myself a victim, and have suffered with the decisions I had made and the after effects. Fast forward a few years, New Year’s Eve 2014, I decided I had enough, and was going to change. I realized that I did not have to hide the fun outgoing person that I was because of those bad choices I made that evening in 2008. I was not going to let it define me and keep me as the person I became. I can overcome it, I can find a positive in a negative. I believe I always have seen it that was deep down, but it never really clicked. I can trust people, and I do, its time to stop hiding, hence the blog.

So, what does the word positive actually mean to you? Per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word positive means: Thinking about the good qualities of someone or something : thinking that a good result will happen, hopeful or optimistic. To be positive you need to be hopeful or optimistic. To be positive, you need to think about the good qualities of someone or something. Let’s think about the bad situations we have had, can you think of anything hopeful or optimistic about them? What about any good qualities coming from it?

For myself, I always knew I let the situation happen, I did not protect myself. I was able to see that immediately, the positive thing was knowing how it happened to make sure it does not happen again to myself or another girl. I also took a good hard look at my life, where I was headed and made some changes. I was never into drugs, but I did like to “hang out” with bad influences and drink a lot. That next day (Jan. 1 2009) I stopped all communication with those “said” friends. Guess what, they never came looking for me either. It goes to show what kind of friends they were. My true friends, are still my friends today. Ok, I’m a little off track here, I always saw the negative and suppressed the positive until now. A positive thing came from such a horrible act. If I can find positivity, so can you.

Take any situation or any challenge and find something positive about it. Life is too short to waste as a Negative Nancy. Embrace life, find joy, get fit, exercise, eat right. Treat yourself and your body right. Be positive. A positive outlook on life makes you a happier person, the happier person can complete a challenge even if they have a setback. If you want to be fit, be fit, don’t give an excuse, or find one, see the light at the end of the tunnel, make shorter more achievable goals, set yourself up for success not failure. Put your mind to it and you can achieve it!
